5 Tips to Avoid Acne Breakouts

Jan 25, 2021

acne-treatmentsHave you noticed that your skin has become more prone to acne breakouts over the last several months? You are not alone. Many of us consider acne as just a part of the hormonal teenage years. But its sudden reappearance can be associated with stress that causes our cortisol and other hormonal levels to increase or fluctuate. These five tips can help you avoid acne breakouts.

Tip #1 – Get Back on Track

With what’s been going on with the pandemic, it is quite easy to fall out of your regular routines, including your skincare regimen and daily diet. Get back on track by avoiding foods that are high in refined sugar and carbs that can trigger and worsen acne. You should also get back on a regular skincare regimen that includes a face wash containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Tip #2 – Gently Exfoliate on a Regular Basis

Gentle exfoliation can help cut through the oil on your skin and unclog pores. This can be accomplished with a professional facial.

Tip #3 – Use a Topical Product Containing Retinol

Using a topical medication that contains a retinoid can help increase skin cell turnover. Such products help prevent future breakouts and fades post-acne marks. Because these products can be irritating, gradually increase your usage.

Tip #4 – Use a Combination Moisturizer and Sunscreen

Acne fighting products containing benzoyl peroxide or retinoid increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Therefore, it is crucial that you wear sunscreen, preferably one that contains moisturizer.

Tip #5 – Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, even if you are doing all the right things, acne will still persist. North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Center offers multiple acne treatments to get it under control, including:

We create custom acne treatment plans using the very best skin care products. Schedule your consultation by calling (480) 448-0918 or booking your appointment online.