Product Review: Dermal Repair Cream

Sep 14, 2016 | Blog, Skin Care

As summer is coming to a close and the weather starts to cool off, it is easy to find that your complexion has become dry and in need of a smooth restoration. To revitalize your skin, you may think about trying a few natural remedies, but if those are not enough, a powerful moisturizer might need to be added in the mix! Learn more about SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair Cream, which has many anti-aging qualities that will make your skin beautiful, healthy, and radiant throughout the year.

Dermal Repair Cream and Anti-Aging Hydration

Like other moisturizers, you should apply SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair Cream twice a day after you cleanse your face. Since your skin dries out while you sleep, most of our patients like to use this moisturizer as a nighttime anti-aging protocol. However, no matter which time of day you use the Dermal Repair Cream, you will notice an instant improvement in the condition and hydration of your skin—and you can use this moisturizer as long as you need!

The Formula

In combination with powerful moisturizing ingredients, SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair Cream contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamins C and E.
Antioxidants help your skin to repair cells and make them tighter and firmer, providing many anti-aging qualities with the help of vitamins alone.
Vitamin C, while boosting your immunity system, will also protect your complexion from sun damage by shielding the top layer of your skin with the moisturizer. (This will not replace sunscreen, so make sure you use Dermal Repair Cream in combination with your typical sun care routine.)
Vitamin E also acts as a nutrient for your skin. This essential vitamin will reduce inflammation and shield you from ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to skin damage.
Because this moisturizer contains high levels of both vitamins, your skin will look both youthful and glowing!
For more information about the anti-aging qualities of SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair Cream, or to schedule a free consultation with North Scottsdale Laser  & Skin Care Clinic, call (480) 513-2888 or visit our website.