How BioTE Medical Can Help You Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Mar 4, 2019 | bioTE Medical, Hormone Therapy

BioTe Medical is popular hormone treatment for both women and men that uses natural hormones to re-balance your hormone levels. Hormonal imbalance is an unfortunately common condition, and any changes in hormone production, particularly as you age, can result in a variety of negative side effects and health symptoms. If you are affected by hormonal imbalance, BioTe Medical natural hormones may be able to help.


Hormonal ImbalanceHormones play an essential role in all functions of the body, and even the smallest changes in quantities of hormones in your body can have large impact upon your health. Some of the most common symptoms of a potential hormonal imbalance include: unexplained weight gain or weight loss, difficulty sleeping, changes in blood pressure, unexplained fatigue, headaches, and changes in appetite (although this is by far an incomplete list, for hormones impact every single part of your system).

Natural hormonesNatural hormones are considered to be safer and more effective than synthetic hormones.  Natural hormones are bio-identical, which means that the chemical structures are identical to the hormones already in your body. BioTe Medical uses only plant-based bio-identical hormones that are approved by the FDA and proven to have far fewer side effects than synthetic hormones.

Pellet therapyBio-identical hormone pellet therapy uses subcutaneous pellets to keep hormone levels consistent throughout the day. The pellets, which are inserted into the body, contain tiny, custom-compounded natural hormones that address symptoms and effects without the roller-coaster effects that are often caused by orally or topically administered hormone therapies. The pellet-insertion process is quick and virtually painless. The pellets eventually dissolve completely, leaving nothing behind.

Treatment and ResultsHormone therapy is highly customized. Every individual’s hormonal state is highly unique, so it follows that the process through which an individual reaches hormonal balance through the use of natural hormones also greatly depends. Effects may begin to be noticeable just 7 to 10 days after pellet insertion. Many patients report significantly alleviated symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks, but a fully balanced system could take up to 6 months. Hormones take time to get out of balance—and they take time to get back in balance, too.

Balance your hormones naturally, age healthier, and feel happier with BioTE Medical! To learn more, schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors. Call us at (480) 513-2888, or book your appointment online.