Shed Your Winter Skin With a Dermaplaning Treatment

Mar 4, 2020

dermaplaningHas winter left your complexion in a slump? Being indoors exposes your skin to a drier environment from running your heater more often, which causes dead skin cells to build upon the surface of your face. You can shed your winter skin with at North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic with a dermaplaning treatment.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a simple procedure that can exfoliate your winter skin away. This hour-long treatment will renew your complexion by revealing the fresh skin hidden below the surface. An added benefit is that this facial treatment will also rid your face of vellus hair (peach fuzz) without worrying that the hair will grow back thicker or darker. By removing the build-up of dead cells and hair, you will be left with the smoothest skin possible with a bright and glowing complexion before you leave our office.

A Completely Safe Procedure

After cleansing your skin, your licensed aesthetician will use a small, rounded blade known as a dermablade to gently scrape away dead skin and facial hair. The treatment is pain-free, and many patients do not feel anything at all. This completely safe treatment can also be used in place of a chemical peel for individuals who are unable to have a chemical peel.

You can have this treatment done as a standalone treatment or used to remove dead skin cells to improve the penetration of active ingredients in hydrators or serums to maximize their benefits. You can have this treatment performed every three weeks to keep your skin bright and glowing all through the year.

It is time to shed your winter skin. Contact North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic to schedule your dermaplaning appointment today.