When Should You Start Botox?

When Should You Start Botox?

It’s never too early to start preventative Botox treatments! Freeze aging in its tracks before it has a chance to set in. Learn more about the wonders of preventative Botox to stay young for years on end without the pesky signs of aging. Keep Your Skin Young and...
Our Favorite Eye Products and Treatments

Our Favorite Eye Products and Treatments

This holiday season, we’ve found that every woman wants to make her eyes pop! Our skin care experts have compiled a short list of treatments and products that will help reverse the signs of aging and enhance the look of your eyes. Find out whether Botox or any of your...
Don’t Miss Our Black Friday Specials!

Don’t Miss Our Black Friday Specials!

As Thanksgiving approaches, we are all reminded how thankful we are for the gifts in our lives. Botox and Juvederm are both great gifts to your skin’s youthfulness, and now you can make a difference in others’ lives while we make a difference in yours. In order to...
Scare Wrinkles Away with Botox

Scare Wrinkles Away with Botox

As our schedules start to get busier this autumn, it’s easy to feel as if we’re getting bogged down in work, family responsibilities, and social engagements. Unfortunately, this time of year is the prime time for wrinkles to develop, especially since your muscles...
ABC’s of Botox

ABC’s of Botox

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, which can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. While this effect is a natural part of aging, you don’t have to settle for anything but the skin you’ve always wanted. At North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, we recommend Botox...
Botox Vs. Juvederm – What You Should Know

Botox Vs. Juvederm – What You Should Know

Are you thinking about getting injections to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines but don’t know which treatment is right for you? It is pretty common for people to get confused when deciding between Botox and Juvederm. While both treatments are great for...