How Can I Get My Best Body This Year?

How Can I Get My Best Body This Year?

  Every new year is full of promises made to yourself. You might resolve to learn new skills or break bad habits. Along with millions of other Americans, you might also vow to shed those last stubborn pounds you can’t seem to exercise away. Keep your promises...
What is the Best Weight Loss Strategy for Me?

What is the Best Weight Loss Strategy for Me?

Maintaining your ideal weight can seem like an impossible quest. Weight loss strategies that work for some people may not help others. Other people may find that despite doing everything “right”, their weight remains stubbornly higher than they like. Semaglutide can...
Get in Shape for Summer with the hCG Diet

Get in Shape for Summer with the hCG Diet

Get the perfect summer body with the help of the hCG diet! By combining a low-calorie diet with the hCG hormone, you can easily shed a few pounds and look your best to enjoy the summer months. Weight Loss with the hCG Diet Maintain a low-calorie diet—To lose weight,...
Weight Loss Tips for 2017

Weight Loss Tips for 2017

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions each year is to lose weight. If this is your goal for 2017, we have listed a few great ways to succeed! In addition to a closely monitored diet and exercise, the hCG hormone at North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care...
Holiday Dieting and Weight Loss

Holiday Dieting and Weight Loss

  Since the holidays are around the corner, you may be wondering how to keep up your weight loss routine in order to look your best for family photos and still enjoy the food that comes with family dinners. We all know that a healthy diet and exercise are great...
HCG Diet Tips For The Summer

HCG Diet Tips For The Summer

We all want to look our best during the summer, and losing weight might be high on your priority list. If you’ve tried everything and have not seen results, the human chlorionic gonadoptrin (HCG) hormone may be perfect for you. By stimulating your metabolism to burn...