Create Your Anti-Aging Skin Care Plan

Aug 3, 2015

Anti_AgingIt’s important to square away an anti-aging skin care plan before time gets away from you. Here at North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, we offer plenty of skin care products, treatments and regimens to suit your needs.
To combat the effects of aging, we have a few suggested plans for you to try out.
One regimen known as GRASS was developed by SkinMedica, and involves five main components to keep in mind when designing your own anti-aging plan. The GRASS formula takes into account your age, skin tone and amount of sun exposure with the five elements of:
G – Growth factors for rejuvenation. SkinMedica’s TNS Recovery Complex and TNS Essential Serum are two great options when it comes to smoothing wrinkles and improving skin texture and tone.
R – Retinol for renewal. Retinol helps the skin fight skin discolorations, and it is an ingredient present in algae extract, peptides and vitamin E. An even skin tone is essential in any anti-aging plan.
A – Antioxidants for free radical defense. The SkinMedica Vitamin C&E Complex contains enriching antioxidants in day and night creams to keep your skin looking young and radiant.
S – Specialty for your unique needs. Whether you’ve been fighting dry or oily skin, or if wrinkles and fine lines are becoming more prevalent, it’s important to select the right skin care products to meet your needs. We can help you find a product that is right for you, whether it’s for dull, uneven skin (try Lytera) or for cracked skin (try SkinMedica Hydrating Complex).
S – Sun protection for UV defense. Any skin rejuvenation regimen must include UVA/UVB protection to keep your skin from becoming wrinkled and leathery. Our clinic carries a variety of moisturizing SPF sunscreens that can be applied under makeup and keep your skin protected from sun damage.
At North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, we can help you customize your own anti-aging skin care plan to match your specific skin type. Get started on the road to rejuvenation today and call us at (480)-513-2888, or book your next appointment online!