EndyMed – Professional Skin Tightening in Scottsdale

Jul 28, 2014 | Blog, Skin Care

As we get older, the elasticity in our skin slowly wears down. For those who want to get a more youthful appearance without surgery, there are skin tightening treatments in Scottsdale that deliver results. Titan-Skin Tightening is a treatment offered by North Scottsdale Laser and Skin Care. It uses a safe infrared light that heats the dermal layer below the surface of the skin to stimulate collagen growth for a smoother and more radiant appearance.


The Titan-Skin Tightening treatment has several benefits:

1. First, this is a safe procedure. There are no scalpels or heavy drugs involved. Patients might have redness or a bit of swelling, but no real pain. Any side effects fade away in a few hours. Unlike surgery, there are no significant risks or need for extra time to recover. All skin types can benefit.

2. Patients get their ideal results within 3 treatments. It varies from person to person. Some only need one, others prefer more. It is more affordable than surgery, which is another advantage that saves you money.

3. This treatment is simple and done with the latest technology. While the laser works to heat the dermis layer with precision, it also keeps the surface is cooled for protection. The doctors are friendly, professional, and will answer any questions and concerns you have regarding skin tightening treatments.

Restore your complexion to a better, youthful glow without pain or scars. Infrared lasers are revolutionizing skincare, providing safer results at lower costs. Consult with the doctors at North Scottsdale Laser and Skin Care to learn more about Titan-Skin Tightening treatments.