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Does your double chin bother you? If you’re like most, you’ve already put in the hard work with physical exercise, diet, topical treatment, and maybe a few more embarrassing things to mention. These remedies are not always enough to get rid of the submental fat that’s responsible for a double chin. CoolSculpting® Elite is the most effective treatment to get rid of your double chin and allow your jawline to see the light of day again.
The chin and neck areas are notorious for holding onto stubborn fat bulges. A double chin forms when the sheet of fat in the submental area droops and forms a wrinkle. This can happen for a series of reasons, including:
A double chin can rear its ugly head at every turn, making you appear older or larger than you are. It can harm your self-esteem and self-confidence.
CoolSculpting Elite is a device that uses an advanced cooling technology called Cryolipolysis. It delivers targeted cold temperatures to unwanted fat cells beneath the skin’s surface and triggers lipolysis, effectively causing cell death. The body will then naturally break down and eliminate the dead cells as waste.
As the dead cells are eliminated, you may notice less fullness and more sculpting in your chin and neck area in the weeks following the cooling session. Generally, you’ll have visible about a month after treatment and the best results are seen after three months. And the best thing is that you can get rid of your double chin with fewer risks, no lengthy recovery time, and no scarring.
When treating the under-chin area, your medspa expert will use a specialized applicator known as the CoolMini. During the session, a gel pad is applied to the underside of the chin area to protect the skin from the cold. Next, the suction-based applicator is applied to deliver controlled temperature to the fat cells, helping destroy fat deposits. Once the applicator is taken off the skin, the treatment area is massaged to break the targeted cells.
Treatments usually take 40 to 60 minutes. You may feel slight tugging, pulling, or cold when the treatment starts. However, these sensations usually subside after the first 5 to 10 minutes as the treatment area becomes numb. The CoolSculpting Elite applicators make treatment more comfortable. . You can read, listen to podcasts, watch a video, or even take a nap during the procedure. And there’s no downtime after treatment, you can go back to your daily activities after the session.
If you are ready to get started on double chin removal with CoolSculpting Elite, let’s get you scheduled for a consultation with the medspa professionals at The Skin Clinic. We’ll be able to provide more information, answer your questions, and get you on the road to having a slimmer chin that makes you look and feel your best. Call us at (480) 513-2888 or book an appointment online.