Hormone Therapy with bioTE Medical

Feb 5, 2018

Hormones act as messengers in the body and play a crucial role in your health. As we age, our hormone production changes, and for many, we need hormone therapy to make sure that we receive the proper balance of hormones to maintain a healthy functioning of the body. If you have discovered that you are in need of hormone therapy, our bioTE Pellet Therapy may be just the thing for you!

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

Hormonal imbalance affects both women and men—Although the most common hormonal imbalance is typically found in women, both men and women can be affected by a hormonal imbalance. In both cases, before receiving treatment, you may notice that you feel tired and sluggish, but after treatment, you will regain your energy.

hormone-therapyDon’t worry about taking pills or creams—With the subcutaneous pellet insertion of bioTE Pellets, you no longer have to worry about putting on creams at a certain time of day or taking a pill every couple of hours or even every day. The pellet form of hormone therapy will release the hormones you need in the right amount when you need them.

Results are fast—Of course, everyone’s results vary because of the differences in hormone needs, but most of our patients see improvements after about 2-4 weeks of hormone therapy, and full optimization of hormone balance occurs around 6 months.

Pellets are all natural—All pellets are plant-derived but are also bio-identical so that your body recognizes them and will use them.

Improving certain conditions— Although many conditions improve after hormone therapy, the most obvious improvements have been seen in menopause, depression, anxiety, osteoporosis, heart disease, and PMS.

Get back your health with bioTE Hormone Therapy Pellets! To learn more about hormone therapy, or to schedule a free consultation with one of our anti-aging experts at North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, call (480) 513-2888.