How Light Therapy Can Save Your Skin

Jul 29, 2015 | Blog, Skin Care

Acne_ Light _TreatmentIf you have dealt with acne and want to reclaim your beautiful, smooth complexion, North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic can help you through our BLU-U Acne Light Treatment.
This treatment helps to combat mild to moderate acne in both adults and adolescents, and it is a safe and effective alternative to medications or antibiotics. Light therapy only takes about 30 minutes, and it is recommended that you continue several treatments, scheduled two or three days apart.
The BLU-U Acne Light Treatment requires no downtime, so you can get back to your routine right away. There’s also no discomfort with this non-invasive procedure; it simply involves a non-laser visible blue light that eliminates bacteria in the oil glands as it gently moves across the affected areas.
For patients fighting more severe acne, a topical photosensitizing agent called Levulan can be added to the BLU-U light treatments. This therapy will not only eliminate bacteria that causes acne, it will also shut down sebaceous glands and exfoliate the skin to unclog pores.
The light therapy treatment has the additional benefit of re-texturizing your skin to smooth out any acne scarring you may have. You will experience anywhere from long-term to permanent acne reduction with this light treatment, so you will finally feel confident about your complexion.
If you have tried countless prescriptions and creams to try to unclog your pores but nothing seems to work, then this treatment is your key to beautiful, smooth skin. Some of our patients see a difference even by the day after their first treatment.
Say goodbye to oily, bumpy skin once and for all. Book your acne light treatment session with us today at North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, and you will be on your way to radiant, blemish-free skin in no time!