Getting Botox treatments for cosmetic reasons is a $90 million a year business. In fact, over a million people in the US alone head to their dermatologist for a consultation. The growing numbers suggest that more and more people are seeing Botox injections as the perfect solution. In the sure hands of a practiced doctor, the treatment is a simple procedure that has had many patients feeling just a little bit better about themselves. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for a Botox treatment:
- The most important thing is to halt all over the counter medications that thin your blood as a side effect. After the treatment, blood-thinner drugs like Motrin, Aspirin and Alleve can make you bruise more easily during the recovery period.
- Next, although you don’t have to curtail your diet too much, you do need to eliminate fish oils and foods with a lot of Vitamin E, as they are also detrimental to the recovery process.
- Make sure you’re ready to answer your doctor’s questions in full; such as, are you taking any muscle relaxants, allergy medications or sleeping aids that have ingredients that could interfere with the healing process.
- If you’ve recently had a similar procedure in the past half-year or less, your doctor needs to know this – so have the correct dates at hand when he or she asks.
- A couple of days before the treatment, start eating pineapple. Pineapple is an excellent anti-inflammatory fruit and will prepare your body for the Botox treatment and the bruising that is often a natural result. It will continue to reduce this bruising if you eat it after the procedure.
You’ll be in great hands once the treatment begins; do your part beforehand for the best experience possible after you leave the office. The treatment is minimally invasive, so you’ll be able to resume your daily routine right away.