How to Prevent Acne Scars

Apr 28, 2014

Acne scarsSuffering from acne can feel like a life-long battle, especially when you’re forced to deal with acne scars long after active acne is cured. Pimples hurt when they’re forming and cause embarrassment when they’re noticeable. Medication and skin care treatments  are available to reduce the appearance of existing acne scars, but the best steps to take are to prevent them from plaguing you in the first place.

How to Prevent Acne Scars:

  • At the first sign of a pimple, apply a topical cream or gel containing salicylic acid once a day.
  • Don’t pick at scabs or squeeze pimples, no matter how tempting it might be. You can actually create scars by causing inflammation and prolonging the healing process that is occurring beneath the scab.
  • Protect your skin from sun exposure by wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen plays an essential role in diminishing dark marks on the skin.
  • Quit smoking! Your skin is more vulnerable when you smoke because its oxygen reserves are depleted and toxins are deposited into pores.
  • Exfoliating is one of the best ways to prevent pimples from appearing and causing scarring.
  • Minimize the appearance of existing scars. We offer a number of noninvasive skin treatments, like laser scar removal.
  • Chemical peels treat active acne and reduces permanent scarring by sloughing off dead skin cells from the surface and encouraging the production of collagen.

The only thing worse than pimples are the reminders left on your skin for weeks, months or even years. When acne is treated quickly and effectively from the start, the chance of suffering from permanent acne scars is lessened. If you’re prone to scarring, experience cysts and deep or large breakouts, discuss treatment options with your skin care doctor right away.
Call (480) 513-2888 to schedule a free consultation with the North Scottsdale Laser and Skin Care Clinic, request an appointment online, or come by and see us at 7605 E Pinnacle Peak Rd #4. We’re open Monday-Friday and the third Saturday of each month!