It’s Not too Late to Get Smooth for the Summer With Laser Hair Removal

May 26, 2020


Summer is right around the corner. If you want to skip waxing and shaving this season, you still have time to get smooth for the summer. With laser hair removal you can spend less time dealing with hair removal and more time enjoying the season. Here are three reasons why you should get started now!

1. No Waxing or Shaving!

Are you tired of irritated skin after shaving and waxing? What about those annoying ingrown hairs? That will all be in the past as we remove your unwanted hair with the most advanced FDA-approved laser technology.

2. Fast and Effective at Reducing Body Hair

Our laser treatments are remarkably effective and fast. Sessions are one hour or less. With sessions every four to six weeks, you can permanently reduce the amount of hair on your body. Any hair that does grow back will be finer and lighter.

3. Less Painful Than Waxing and Shaving

Nicks and razor burn from shaving are painful. So is waxing! Laser hair removal is much less painful. You will usually feel what seems like a series of gentle pinches.

Get ready for summer and schedule your laser hair removal now. Call North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic today at (480) 513-2888 or book your appointment online.