Learn How Long It Takes to See the Maximum Benefits of Skin Care Products

Sep 24, 2019 | Skin Care

skin-care-productsWhen using a new skin care product, it’s human nature to want to see immediate results. But skin care is not an overnight or “quick fix” process. It takes consistency and patience to get the results you’re looking for with your new skin care routine. But how long will it take for the results to appear? As a rule of thumb, the results depend on how much work has to be done on a cellular level. But on average, it takes four to six weeks to see improvements in the appearance of your skin.

Moisturizers: 1 to 4 weeks

Depending on what you’re hoping to achieve with your moisturizers, it could produce immediate effects or it could take longer before bringing any changes. If you just want to rejuvenate dry skin or improve the radiance of your arms and legs, you can expect improvements right away. Something meant to repair severely dry skin or reduce the effects of a skin disorder, however, is going to take a little longer.

Acne and Exfoliating Products: 24 hours to 1.5 months

There’s a lot of variation here, depending on the type of acne the product is addressing, the levels of chemical concentrations and the regimen you’re following. On average, it can take two to three weeks of consistent use for prescribed topical and oral medications to show improvements. Over-the-counter products can take up to three months to work.

Eye Cream: 4 to 8 Weeks

Your eye area has the thinnest skin in your body and that may explain why it’s often the first place to show wrinkles, dryness, and puffiness. Certain eye creams guarantee to instantly tone, rehydrate or increase firmness but the effects may be superficial. Beware of any creams that promise to erase wrinkles or get rid of dark circles forever. If you use an eye cream as directed and there’s no significant improvement after 8 weeks, it’s time to ditch that product.

Facial Cleanser: 1 Month

Even when you use it several times a day, cleansers don’t really stay on your skin long enough to bring transformative results. If you’ve been experiencing blemishes, dullness, or dryness from not washing your face properly, it can take up to a month of consistent use to yield a noticeable improvement in the appearance and texture of your skin. You also want to use a gentle cleanser that won’t irritate your skin.

To learn more about skin care products, call North Scottsdale Laser and Skin Care Clinic at (480) 513-2888 or book an appointment online to schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about skin care products and what works best for you.