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Keep them guessing what your true age is with a few simple skin care tips! If you are in your fifties, we’ve listed a few beauty secrets to make your skin as radiant as ever.
Antioxidant products are the way to go—Studies have shown that inflammation can increase the signs of aging. Combat them with an anti-inflammatory product, and stop aging in its tracks. At North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, we recommend the SkinMedica Vitamin C&E Complex because of its high-intensity antioxidants!
Don’t forget to hydrate your skin with moisturizer—Moisturizing your skin is the perfect way to start your skin care routine every morning. One of our best skin care tips is to use moisturizer with sun protection, as the sun’s rays can damage your skin and create unnecessary signs of aging. If you’re looking for a new moisturizer to try, we recommend the SkinMedica TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer with SPF 20.
Switch from creams to oil-based products—As we age, our skin needs more oil. Don’t dry it out with creams, which can absorb the oil that your skin creates naturally.
Get an exfoliating facial—Exfoliation will remove the dead layers of skin and reveal a youthful, natural layer that was hiding beneath the surface. Facials instantly make your skin look younger!
Combat wrinkles with Botox—If you’ve noticed a few fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes or forehead, try Botox! This treatment is the most popular and is one of the simplest ways to remove pesky lines.
Don’t let the signs of aging get you down this spring! Incorporate these skin care tips into your beauty routine, and notice the difference that a few product and treatments can make. To learn more about these tips, or to schedule a free consultation with one of our skin care experts at North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, call (480) 513-2888, or visit our website.