Swimming and Skin Care

Aug 6, 2014 | Blog, Skin Care

When the sunny weather calls for Scottsdale residents to head outdoors, it is a good time to consider your swimming and skin care habits. While it’s common knowledge that ultraviolet rays can damage skin, its still important for middle aged women to preserve their skin before, during, and after a swim in chlorinated water. Protecting the elasticity and overall health of skin requires some purposeful planning. This healthy skin care routine is simple enough to follow each time you swim.


Preliminary Protection

Those who suffer from eczema or even experience periods of dry skin should shower prior to getting into a pool. This can prevent parched skin from soaking up chemical-laden water. For sensitive skin, consider using Vaseline on parts of the body which may be prone to chaffing. Those areas may be around the bathing suit edges along the arms and groin. This adds a layer of protection for the skin from rubbing and from chlorinated water.

Protection Mid-Swim

Perhaps it goes without saying, but anytime you are in the sun, sunblock or sunscreen is a must. Don’t forget to reapply accordingly during an extended swim or if you’re sweating extensively. Those areas on women especially prone to darkening or blotching include the upper lip region, neck, and upper chest portions of the body. Our office has worked with many women over the years who are conscientious of sunspots over the visible portions of their body. Take time during outdoor activities like swimming to prevent this sort of aging and damage to skin.

Post-Swim Protection

There are many PH-neutralizing products available today. These body washes, shampoos, and lotions can restore skin to a healthy state after extended periods of chlorine exposure. Moisturizing products like lotions and creams should be used liberally. In some instances, a medicated cream is necessary to maintain the integrity and appearance of skin.

Ask one of our experts which product may work best for your skin type and needs. Together, we can improve the beauty and health of your skin. Contact us today for a free summer skin consultation at (480) 513-2888.