Take Years Off of Your Hands with Restylane Lyft

May 11, 2022

Restylane-LyftThe face is not the only visible area that tell-tale signs of aging might appear. Your hands can also show signs of aging that could make you feel a little self-conscious. The good news is that there is a treatment that can take years off the appearance of your hands. Here are a few things you should know about Restylane Lyft and why you should try it.

What is Restylane Lyft?

Restylane Lyft is the only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler that is approved for rejuvenation of the appearance of face and hands. HA is a substance that already naturally occurs in the body. This dermal filler is safe and adds volume to your hands for a fuller and smoother skin appearance. The added volume helps fill in sunken areas around the joints in the hands and reduces the appearance of sagging skin and veins.

Why You Should Give Restylane Lyft a Try

Restylane Lyft is completely safe and can also be used to restore fullness in your cheeks during the same session. Most patients notice a significant improvement in the overall appearance of their hands. The hyaluronic acid in this filler dissolves naturally over time. However, the results can last between six to twelve months after treatment.

Don’t let your hands make you look older than you actually are. Schedule your free consultation with one of our medspa experts to see if you are a candidate for Restylane Lyft. Call The Skin Clinic of North Scottsdale at (480) 681-5509.