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If your veins have started to become noticeable on your legs or anywhere else on your body, you may be interested in varicose vein removal. Varicose veins are one of the most visible effects of getting older and can happen to either men or women.
What are varicose veins? Varicose veins happen when there are injuries in the veins. Veins may be weak, making them grow and become more noticeable when blood gets backed up in the vein. This most frequently occurs in the legs, but it can happen on the face. Lesser forms of varicose veins are known as spider veins, which is a term you may be more familiar with.
Laser vein removal—Although the term may sound frightening, your veins will not actually be removed. They will just not be as noticeable because they will work properly. Depending on the area of your body that has varicose veins, different treatments can be used to your skin tone.
This form of varicose vein removal works best on the legs. Your blood cells will respond to the energy of the laser and will shrink back to their normal size. The veins that were previously noticeable will no longer be noticeable because of this laser treatment!
FotoFacial—In rare cases, spider veins can occur on the face, on the nose and cheeks. To treat this, a Fotofacial uses an intense pulsed light to reach the bottom layers of the skin and rejuvenate veins from the inside out.
Say goodbye to unwanted veins with varicose vein removal! To learn more about varicose and spider vein removal options, or to schedule an appointment with a skin care expert, call (480) 513-2888, or book your appointment online.