There are many creams on the market that claim to eliminate stretch marks. Using such creams is usually nothing more than a lesson in futility and a waste of money. There are better ways to deal with your stretch marks, including these top treatments from North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser Treatment
Light-based laser treatments like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) can be used to lighten stretch marks that are red in appearance. Similar to a Photofacial treatment that can be used to reduce the appearance of rosacea or visible capillaries on the face, IPL can reduce redness while simulating collage production to help heal your skin from the inside out. This treatment requires no downtime or recovery time.
Resurface with Lumenis M22
The Lumenis M22 laser uses CO2 ablative technology to remove extremely thin layers of skin. This skin resurfacing helps remove discoloration from different types of skin imperfections, including stretch marks. You may see a marked improvement after one session and experience only minimal downtime.
Go Deep with RED Light Therapy
RED light therapy uses infrared light that penetrates deep into the surface of your skin to improve its appearance. This treatment helps fade stretch marks by increasing blood circulation and collagen production.
Treat Sooner than Later
The trick to the best success with eliminating or erasing stretch marks is to treat them sooner than later. They are easier to treat while they are still darker in color. Once the marks begin to fade and turn silvery or white, they are less responsive to treatment.
Book a consultation now with North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic to learn which treatment is best to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks. Call us today at (480) 448-0918.