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Have you always dreamed of long, thick beautiful lashes? Now they can be yours with Latisse. While numerous products make claims to lengthen, thicken, darken, and regrow eyelashes, only Latisse has the science behind it to be proven effective. It is also the only FDA-approved product for the use of lengthening, thickening, darkening, and regrowing eyelashes.
The active ingredient in Latisse is bimatoprost, which is a prostaglandin, a fatty acid that produces hormone-like effects on the body, including growing hair. Bimatoprost was originally used in prescription eyedrops (Lumigan) that were used to treat glaucoma. A side effect that patients had while using those eye drops was that they experienced eyelash growth. This led to the creation of its new use, which was approved by the FDA for treating hypotrichosis to regrow, darken, thicken, and lengthen existing eyelashes.
When used as directed, Latisse creates more hair follicles during your eyelids’ hair-growing cycle. It is only approved for use by prescription. It should only be used on your upper eyelids. If any of the medication gets into your eye, it is unlikely any damage will occur because its active ingredient is safe for your eyes.
It takes about two months to see results when using Latisse. If you stop using it, your eyelashes will gradually return to their original appearance. This medication is safe for most users; however, you should consult with your doctor, if you are currently being treated for glaucoma, or taking certain medications like travoprost or latanoprost.
Only Latisse is approved for use by the FDA for enhancing and growing eyelashes and it is available only by prescription. Other products on the market that claim to enhance and grow eyelashes have not undergone the extensive tests involved with FDA approval. Many of these products are marketed as serums and have no credible scientific evidence of working.
Because other products have not been studied by the FDA, they have not gone through the extensive safety testing that medications must go through before going to market. This puts users at potential risk for serious side-effects like damage or injury to their eyes.
Are you ready to have amazing eyelashes? Schedule your complimentary consultation with our doctors at the North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic. Call us at (480) 513-2888 or schedule your appointment online.