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Acne is one of the single most common skin conditions in people of all ages. While usually harmless, pimples and other acne blemishes are unsightly and embarrassing. Worse, if treated improperly, they can lead to scarring – especially if the acne continues to reoccur in the same place.
At The Skin Clinic, we have everything you need to deal with acne breakouts, whenever they occur! We can help you restore your skin’s youthful beauty, and prevent reoccurring blemishes with the best in acne treatments.
Basically, acne occurs when pores in the skin become clogged, such as by dead skin cells, dirt, or even bacteria. These materials combine with a substance called sebum, a natural skin oil which keeps your skin moist. Together, they plug up the pores, and cause the sebum to build up beneath the skin’s surface. This is what causes common acne pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.
There are a few different ways this can happen.
2 – Poor facial cleaning
The most common cause of acne is simply poor hygiene. If a person doesn’t wash and cleanse their face often enough, it’s easy for dirt to make its way into their pores. If you’re prone to acne, we highly recommend a thorough home acne treatment systems such as the SkinMedica Acne Clarifying Treatment. This doesn’t merely treat existing acne, it gives your skin everything you need to prevent acne from forming in the first place.
However, be aware that over-cleaning may also make acne worse by drying out your skin, which irritates it and opens up the pores. Always moisturize after washing your face!
3 – Hormonal changes
One of the reasons acne is associated with puberty is that the body starts producing more hormones, which in turn stimulate production of sebum and encourage acne. The same can also happen during other times of hormonal changes, including pregnancy and even menstruation. Yes, period acne is truly a thing.
Since you can’t control your hormones directly, managing acne with good facial routines is your best option here.
4 – Genetics
Like many medical conditions, there seems to be a genetic component to acne outbreaks. If acne is common in your family, you’ll be at higher risk of frequent acne as well. That’s all the more reason to treat your skin right with great skin care products!
So, given all the different ways acne can occur, why does it keep happening in the same place? There are a few reasons, but they’re mostly preventable with one simple piece of advice:
You’ve probably heard many people say to not pop pimples, which can be hard advice to follow. However, there are very good reasons for this.
First, much of the time, popping or squeezing a zit will not actually clear all the clogged material out. This makes it easier for the pore to become re-clogged, leading to the pimple reappearing after a few days to a couple weeks.
Also, most of the time when people pop their pimples, they haven’t properly washed and cleansed their hands first. So, by breaking open the pimple, they allow more dirt and bacteria into the pore. This, again, encourages the pimple to come back in the same place.
And then there are cysts. Have you ever gotten a pimple that would never quite pop? That’s because it’s a cyst, far enough under the surface of the skin that the fluid buildup doesn’t have a route to the skin’s surface. Attempting to pop these cysts will only make them worse, inflaming the area and slowing down their healing.
Besides properly washing your face and hands, to reduce the amount of dirt and bacteria on your face, there are other options and acne treatments available.
In addition, skincare products which includes ingredients such as salicylic acid will help prevent acne from forming. Our favorite products are SkinMedica’s Acne Clarifying Treatment and SkinMedica Pore Purifying Gel Cleanser.
The Skin Clinic has all the acne treatments you need. If you’re dealing with recurring acne, or have scars left from previous outbreaks, we offer a luxury experience which will restore your skin’s beauty! No matter your situation, our beauty experts have the solution. To learn more or schedule an appointment, just click here or give us a call at 480-513-2888.