Does CoolSculpting Work For Men?

Nov 6, 2024

Get Rid of Unwanted Fat Forever With CoolSculpting for Men


Key takeaways:

  • Men can absolutely benefit from CoolSculpting, a fat-removal treatment that takes advantage of the process of cryolipolysis to destroy fat cells without harming other tissues.
  • CoolSculpting effectively removes subcutaneous fat from numerous parts of the male body, including the chin and jawline, the abdomen, thighs, and flanks.
  • CoolSculpting causes little or no pain, requires no down time after treatment, and most treatments last less than an hour.

If you’ve been talking to your friends in Scottsdale and around the Valley of the Sun, you may be wondering if the amazing results you’ve seen women experience with the CoolSculpting fat-removal technology can provide similar body-sculpting results for men.

The short answer? Yes! But let’s take a deep dive into CoolSculpting and find out how men can benefit from it. The Skin Clinic in North Scottsdale proudly offers CoolSculpting Elite as a part of its portfolio of skin, health and beauty interventions.

How CoolSculpting Works

CoolSculpting’s power comes from the process of cryolipolysis – the scientific name for what happens when the body’s tissuescoolsculpting-scottsdale are supercooled. Researchers investigating the response of the human body to frostbite discovered that fat cells die at a warmer temperature than other tissues.

Why is this important? Cryolipolysis means that it’s possible to target fat tissues with cold and kill them, while leaving other tissues healthy and intact. It also means that when the fat cells die, the body disposes of them naturally. There’s no need for surgery or another procedure to remove them. You can go right back to your active lifestyle.

Am I A Candidate For CoolSculpting?

Many men stand to benefit from CoolSculpting fat removal. It’s an especially useful treatment for men who are already paying close attention to their diet and who exercise regularly.

CoolSculpting technology is an effective treatment for subcutaneous fat – the kind of fat that lives right under your skin. If you can pinch an inch on your belly, or hips or butt, that’s the kind of fat that can be treated with CoolSculpting.

If you have visceral fat, the type of fat that lives below your muscle wall in your abdomen, CoolSculpting is not an effective intervention. Visceral fat wraps itself around your stomach, liver and other vital organs. It’s a type of fat that body-sculpting technology cannot reach.

CoolSculpting also cannot be used if you have more than a handful of subcutaneous fat to remove, so you’ll need to be near your ideal weight to get the full benefit from it. You can discuss with our medspa staff other options offered by The Skin Clinic to achieve significant weight loss, including the hCG protocol or Semaglutide injections.

Male Body Areas That CoolSculpting Can Target

One question everyone asks about CoolSculpting is “where can I expect to see results?” The treatment can help you create a tighter, more sculpted physique. You’ll look more rugged. Your clothes – including workout gear! – will fit better. Here’s a quick look at areas of the body that respond well to CoolSculpting:

  1. Under the jawline and  under the chin – Even when you’re close to your ideal weight, extra fat in the jowls can make you look far less trim than you really are. CoolSculpting can reduce the effects of a receding chin, making your chin look less chubby.male-coolsculpting-under-the-chin
  2. Upper arms – Show off the muscles you’re building with your weight workouts! Fat removal in the upper arms can bring out the definition in your biceps and triceps.
  3. Back fat – Your upper back can be a safe-deposit box for fat that weights and endurance training can’t seem to touch. CoolSculpting can make your back profile look a lot trimmer and more toned.
  4. Love handles – Most men hate it when it’s possible to pinch an inch (or several) on their flanks, right above the midsection. Body sculpting zaps this highly visible area and keeps you able to tuck in business and leisure shirts with confidence.
  5. Abdomen – No man wants a spare tire on his belly. If you’ve deflated most of yours with weight loss, CoolSculpting can help you show off your core muscles and provide better definition to your abs.
  6. Thighs – CoolSculpting can provide a surprising boost to your upper legs. Fat removal can target the inner or outer thigh area, or give a leaner appearance to the area just above your knees.
  7. Banana roll – Want to look attractive in slim-fitting jeans or workout shorts? Consider body-sculpting work on the “bananaScottsdale-coolsculpting-for-men roll,” which is another name for that blob of fat found at the crease of your butt. This is a hard area to specifically target with exercise, so getting a little help from CoolSculpting can make all the difference.

Addressing “Man Boobs” With Fat Removal

CoolSculpting can provide assistance if you have dealt with fat deposits on your chest, known commonly as “man boobs.” Gynecomastia – the medical term for man boobs – can be caused by hormonal changes, heavy alcohol consumption, your genetic inheritance, and many other factors. Non-surgical fat removal is a safe, effective way to address mild cases of gynecomastia and a related condition, pseudogynecomastia.

If you are a man interested in using CoolSculpting to sculpt your chest, contact our CoolSculpting specialist to discuss your specific circumstances.

Men’s Questions About CoolSculpting Answered

If you have questions about CoolSculpting, you’re not alone. This effective body-sculpting treatment was first approved by the FDA for use in the United States in 2010, but it remains less well known as a fat-removal option than other interventions such as plastic surgery.

Here are some of the most common questions men have about CoolSculpting, answered by our medspa staff.

1. How much weight can I lose with Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss method, so it’s more helpful to think of your results in terms of your body size and shape, rather than a number on a scale.

Many men report losing inches off their abdomen and flanks, as well as having their current clothes fit better after trying CoolSculpting. Some can even wear clothes a size smaller!

If you want to pair your fat-removal treatments with interventions designed to help you lose weight, talk to The Skin Clinic about our health and wellness options.

2. Is fat removed by CoolSculpting gone forever?

Yes. Once fat cells are destroyed through CoolSculpting, the body disposes of them naturally. You don’t have to take additional steps to make this happen.

However, just because those fat cells are gone, that does not mean other fat cells won’t grow. You’ll need to follow a healthy diet and a moderate exercise regimen to retain the results from CoolSculpting.

3. Does CoolSculpting hurt?

Most people don’t experience CoolSculpting treatments as painful. Many report a slight tugging sensation or some tingling when the applicator is placed on the fat-removal target area, but this usually subsides once the area becomes numb from the cold.

4. How much time does a CoolSculpting session take?

Although treatment time can vary with the part of the body being targeted, most CoolSculpting sessions last less than an hour.

5. Do I need to plan for any “down time” after a CoolSculpting treatment?

No. One of the real advantages of CoolSculpting, compared with surgical methods of fat removal, is that you can go out from a session and immediately jump back into your daily activities.

5. Will people notice that I’ve had CoolSculpting?

They may, but only in a positive way! It’s important to remember that it can take several weeks for someone to see all the results possible from CoolSculpting. Since this is a gradual change, people around you may simply notice that your clothes are fitting better or you’re looking as if your diet-and-exercise routine is working for you.


CoolSculpting: The Perfect Complement For An Active Lifestyle

The best way to view the value of CoolSculpting is to consider it just one tool in an entire kit of activities to achieve the body shape you desire. Before you receive CoolSculpting treatments at The Skin Clinic in North Scottsdale, our CoolSculpting specialist will evaluate your situation and ensure you stand to benefit from the procedure.

Once you’ve had CoolSculpting, you’ll need to continue your active lifestyle to ensure the results remain visible. The Skin Clinic can help you retain your improved physique with adjunct treatments such as CoolTone™, which uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) to tone the abs.

Comparing CoolSculpting And Plastic Surgery

Everyone has heard of removing fat through plastic surgery – think liposuction, for example. Fewer people have heard of fat removal through CoolSculpting. Each procedure has benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a quick rundown of the pluses and minuses of body sculpting via CoolSculpting, compared to liposuction surgery.

CoolSculpting is non-invasive. The intervention is delivered by an applicator that cools your body tissues from the outside. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires incisions to be made near the treatment area; a vacuum is attached to a cannula put into the incision to literally suck the fat out of your body.

  • CoolSculpting has little or no post-procedure downtime. You may experience some mild bruising or skin sensitivity after a CoolSculpting session, but you can return to active workouts within 24 hours. Liposuction requires a longer recovery period.
  • You can see results from CoolSculpting in a few weeks. A CoolSculpting session can destroy 20 to 25 percent of the fat cells in a targeted area. Once those cells have cleared the body, you will start to see a trimmer shape in that part of your body. Liposuction’s results can take a few months to fully reveal themselves.
  • CoolSculpting only works for patients near their ideal body weight. The ideal CoolSculpting candidate follows a healthy eating pattern, exercises regularly and is within about 20 pounds of their ideal weight. Higher-weight patients can experience more significant fat removal through liposuction or other surgical interventions.
  • CoolSculpting does not change the appearance of cellulite or loose skin. Neither CoolSculpting or liposuction can impact these conditions.
  • CoolSculpting is generally not covered by insurance. Both liposuction and CoolSculpting have similar costs, but neither one is covered by most health plans.

How Much Does CoolSculpting For Men Cost?

You may very well be pleasantly surprised by how affordable CoolSculpting is! When you come for your free initial consultation, our CoolSculpting specialist will help you develop a customized treatment plan. They will provide you a program of our fees for the number of sessions and the number of areas to be treated. The Skin Clinic in North Scottsdale also offers CoolSculpting specials and package pricing; just ask us for details!

Request Your Complimentary Consultation Today

Call our offices at 480-513-2888 or contact us online NOW to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our CoolSculpting specialists.