Acne Treatment with Lumenis M22

Acne Treatment with Lumenis M22

Whether you suffer from breakouts or from scars from the past, acne is never an ideal element of your skin care routine. If you’ve tried over-the-counter products without success, it may be time to look into professional acne treatments to make your skin brighter and...
Get Rid of Spider Veins

Get Rid of Spider Veins

Spider veins are a group of dilated veins that are close to the surface and are visible beneath the skin. These veins, which are also known as varicose veins, can develop anywhere but are most often found in the legs and on the face. Although these veins may be a...
Acne Treatment with Lumenis M22

Skin Resurfacing with M22

If aging, acne, or spending too much time in the sun has started to make its mark on your skin you may want to consider skin resurfacing with the Lumenis M22. Skin resurfacing creates new skin growth through a process of targeted healing to give your skin a tighter,...
Acne Treatment with Lumenis M22

Advanced Skin CareTechnology, The M22

At North Scottsdale Laser & Skin Care Clinic, we make sure that our technology is always state of the art. The Lumenis M22 is one of the newest technological advancements in the anti-aging world, and this modular multi-application platform performs over 30 skin...